Kevin Milne

Author Archives

  • Nuclear Lead Pours

    “… we specialize in flasks, storage containers, pipe sleeves and castings lead pours.” With over 3 decades of experience, Marshield has the manufacturing facilities, equipment and expertise to continuously pour lead in excess of 100,000 lbs. Our approved proprietary nuclear pouring and quality control procedures ensure the lowest opportunity for porosity and the highest density […]

  • Lead Lined Furniture & Cabinets

    MarShield manufactures a wide range of standard or custom designed lead lined furniture and cabinets suitable for nuclear medicine or radiochemistry laboratories. Our comprehensive line is tailored and designed to meet your specific requirements and we ensure that all of our designs are completely functional with their surroundings. APPLICATIONS Decay Cabinets Unit Dose Cabinets Preparation […]

  • MarShield welcomes The Twins !

    Marshield is pleased to announce the recent arrival of the twins. Weighing in at 800lbs each these babies were custom designed and manufactured for a nuclear medicine application at a US pharmaceuticals company. These twin mobile storage boxes come with smooth running lockable casters and are 17x17x15” with 1” lead protection on the lid and […]

  • Look Out For These Hot Wheels !

    “Outstanding, but I’ve learned to expect that from MarShield !” is what Paul Smith at a government research center had to say about the custom lead lined storage container our manufacturing and design specialists produced for his nuclear material transportation project. Built specifically for a large US national laboratory, the container incorporates 2” of lead […]

  • Seasons Greetings from The MarShield Team !

    Hello ; In warm appreciation of our association during the past year, we extend to you best wishes for a happy holiday season and our sincere thanks for your loyalty and goodwill throughout the year. Like you, we had a busy and challenging past year. The trust and confidence you have placed in our team […]

  • Lead Lined Storage Box

    Check This Little Beauty Out !

    Our radiation shielding specialists recently designed and fabricated a custom Lead lined & Radiation Shielded Steel Storage Box with inside dimensions of only 6″x3″x3″ for a highly specialized US government application. The hinged locking lid is complete with carrying handles and all lead is fully encapsulated with no lead exposure. This little beauty is painted […]

  • Read About Marshield In Business In Focus Magazine

    This article appeared in the September edition of Business In Focus magazine; ” MarShield is one of three divisions of Mars Metal Company, located in the industrial centre of Canada: Burlington, Ontario. It enjoys the area’s proximity to major power and nuclear operations, access to resources and raw materials and capitalizing on the region’s extensive […]

  • Pacific Northwest Lead Lined Cabinet

    Pacific Northwest Laboratories – Richland Washington : A large western USA laboratory (CABINET)

    MarShield engineered, designed and built a very unique lead lined cabinet to the Pacific Northwest Laboratories exact needs. The design was for a large lead lined cabinet with a secondary lead lined cabinet inside the large cabinet. The lead encapsulated into the wall of the inner cabinet was almost – 4” thick while the outer […]

  • Marshield Divas changing lives

    Marshield Attends The Beautiful You, Boots & Bling Event Hosted By DIVAS CHANGING LIVES

    The Camisole Project was founded by Barb Daize, owner of BodyMed Boutique in Burlington, Ontario, in 2011. Having been touched in many ways by breast cancer, Barb wanted to pay it forward and provide comfort and dignity to those women having breast cancer surgery. Breast Cancer has affected many women close to the MarShield family […]