Brick Caves/L-Block Shields

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MarShield - Brick Caves/L-Block Shields

Design your own enclosure for your exact requirement.

MarShield’s 99.9% pure lead brick caves provide dependable lateral shielding in hot labs around the perimeter of the L-Block’s base. Engineered 4-side interlocking bricks, affixed in a staggered pattern, fit tightly and will not shift. A durable, specialized epoxy coating option is available to eliminate lead exposure. Available in 1” or 2” thicknesses.

L-Block Shields

MarShield’s L-Block Shields are designed for receiving and preparing unit doses of high-energy radionuclide.

L-block Shields

Key Features

L-Block Shields

  • L-Blocks provide a choice of 1.5” or 2” thick lead shielding in front, and 1” thick lead in the base
  • L-Blocks may be ordered with either an 8” x 4” x 4” or 8” x 8” x 4” lead glass window
  • Special plate with a hex-shaped recess is mounted on the base to facilitate one-handed loading and unloading of dose pigs
    incorporating hex-shaped bottoms
  • Optional Lead Brick Cave may be added to provide lateral shielding around the full perimeter of the L-Block’s base
  • L-Blocks are shipped in modular form for easy installation without lifting equipment. No component weighs more than 50 pounds

Brick Caves/L-Blocks