MarShield News

  • Women in Medicine Month

    MarShield is Proud to Celebrate Women in Medicine Month

    MarShield is proud to honour women in medicine alongside the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) throughout September. Every year the AMA’s Women Physicians Section honours physicians who offer their time, wisdom, and support to advance women with careers in medicine. The theme for this year is […]

  • Custom Radiation Barriers for Radiopharmaceutical Developer

    Custom Radiation Barriers for Radiopharmaceutical Developer

    MarShield was contacted by a radiopharmaceutical developer The Center for Probe Development and Commercialization (CPDC) to develop and build a series of custom radiation barriers that would be used to shield individuals from the dose radiating from freezer units used to store radioactive pharmaceutical products. Radiopharmaceuticals are a special class of drugs. They include diagnostic […]

  • MarShield to Attend OCNI-OPG Virtual Suppliers Day 2020

    MarShield will showcase our nuclear radiation solutions at this year’s OCNI-OPG Virtual Suppliers day, scheduled to take place on August 18th and 19th. The two-day event will feature tradeshow activity and technical seminars on member products and services. MarShield will have a dedicated booth at the event providing information on our nuclear radiation shielding products […]

  • The Radiation Shielding Design Process – How MarShield Can Help Turn an Idea to a Finished Product

    When it comes to radiation shielding in any industry, often a standard off the shelf product is not the best fit to maximize shielding effectiveness and efficiency in your operations. Clients require custom radiation shielding solutions that are designed to meet their specific needs. Challenge MarShield MarShield provides custom radiation shielding options and offers to […]

  • MarShield to Showcase Custom Radiation Protection Solutions at SNMMI 2020

    MarShield will be showcasing Custom Radiation Protection Solutions at the SNMMI 2020 Annual Meeting. This year’s meeting will take place virtually from July 11 (Saturday) through July 14 (Tuesday) and features topics in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. The easy-to-use virtual platform will include an interactive virtual exhibit hall, networking events, and a science pavilion […]

  • Radiation Shielding for Diagnostic Imaging

    In the medical field, many types of diagnostic imaging techniques are used to identify a medical condition in patients. Diagnostic imaging is a tool that doctors can utilize to “look inside” patients and there are many methods used to achieve this. Everything from ultrasounds to x-rays are used to produce 2D and 3D images that […]

  • Custom Leaded Cabinets

    Custom Leaded Cabinets for Biopharmaceutical Company

    MarShield was contacted by a biopharmaceutical company located in the United States that develops targeted therapies for the treatment of cancer and inflammatory diseases. The company conducts bio-assays with radioactive materials as part of its discovery program and the storage of waste materials resulting from such studies has always posed certain limitations. The client was […]

  • Protect Your Staff and Customers Against Harmful Viruses

    As restrictions begin to ease, there is an increasing need for solutions that create a safe work environment and help prevent the transmission of COVID-19. For businesses, protecting staff and customers is a top priority, and one that cannot be compromised. A viable solution for businesses is installing protective barriers that would protect customers and […]

  • Designing, Fabricating, and Installing Accelerator Room Doors for Cancer Care Centre

    Designing, Fabricating, and Installing Accelerator Room Doors for Cancer Care Centre

    MarShield was contracted by a large commercial construction company to build accelerator doors for a cancer care facility in Washington, USA. We were brought on board due to our expertise in fabricating and installing accelerator doors. What made this particular project unique was that one door was to be installed immediately to get an accelerator […]

  • Shatter-Resistant, Versatile Solution to Radiation Shielding

    Leaded Acrylic: Shatter-Resistant, Versatile Solution to Radiation Shielding

    Leaded acrylic is an excellent option for your radiation shielding needs. The shatter-resistant and versatile unique transparent plastic contains 30% lead by weight, combining superb light transmission with effective radiation protection. MarShield, an industry leader in radiation shielding materials carries a variety of sizes and thickness of leaded acrylic and can fulfill custom orders according […]

  • MarShield Shielding Solutions to Reduce Long Term Exposure to X-ray Radiation

    An X-ray is produced by energy released from an accelerating electron and resulting radiation can pass through some, but not all material. The x-ray radiation then interacts with a detector and forms an image of the inside of an object or person. Because of the ability to “look through” materials that the human eye cannot […]

  • We Are Open For You

    As we continue to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation, our top priority is the safety and health of our team members and customers. Within the Mars Group of Companies, we have enhanced rules and procedures with our employees practicing self-monitoring, social distancing, and strict sanitization guidelines. Mars Metal Group has been deemed an essential service, […]