MarShield offers a premium line of lead-lined metal and wood veneer doors and hollow metal frames manufactured to have an architectural designed appearance
Available Lead Lined Doors
MarShield supplies custom lead lined, shielding sliding doors and frames. These sliding doors are built for the healthcare industry and are supplied with commercial grade hardware along with an engineered designed framing system. They are manufactured to meet the lead requirements and weight capacity for the sliding track and hardware in new and retrofit applications.
In hospitals, there are rooms like therapy rooms, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and Cardiac Care Unit (CCU) and x-ray rooms which emit dangerous radiation rays. To protect both the hospital employees and patients from unnecessary harmful rays’ radiation proof sliding doors are designed with lead shielding.
They are mostly used in places where there is enough space for them. The first step in quoting the door is a calculation of an authorized physicist who defines the door protection requirements and the width of overlapping needed for the door.
These doors are available as manual slide or powered sliding doors.
Automatic Sliding Doors
Manual Sliding Doors
Bi-Parting & Telescoping Sliding Doors
Lead Lined Doors – Wood, Hollow Metal, and Plastic Laminate (with ratings 20 min. to 90 min.)
Custom Neutron & Gamma Doors
Lead Lined Metal and Wood Veneer Doors and Hollow Metal Frames
MarShield offers a premium line of lead-lined metal and wood veneer doors and hollow metal frames that are manufactured to have an equal appearance to architectural-designed doors and frames. Our doors are designed and constructed with the highest quality craftsmanship and materials available. These doors are designed to take into consideration the heavy weight that sheet lead imposes on them. They are constructed to support this extra weight, which will not detract from their appearance or radiation protection. The frames are designed to support the lead-lined doors to provide a lead-lined interface between the door and the lead-lined wall in the adjacent walls. Usually they are attached to studs in the walls using a variety of techniques specifically designed to hold the door securely and prevent radiation shielding leakage. Frames are available in fully-welded form or knock-down style. For maximum support MarShield recommends a welded style vs. knock-down type.
Did You Know This
Product Can Be Lead Free?
With Mars FlexShieldTM technology, we offer a safe and environmentally friendly solution to traditional lead-based products.It’s lightweight. Flexible. Customizable. And it’s the future, now.
Most standard architectural hardware can be specified and used on the door and frame. The correct specification of the finishing hardware is critical to the success of the complete closure. Adequate hinging is required to carry the heavy loads imposed by the lead lining. Hardware that fits into openings in the door and frame should be suitable to maintain the integrity of the closure. Extreme care must be taken when applying any item to a lead-lined door or frame that the fasteners do not penetrate that lead lining.
High Energy Shielded Door Systems
Custom made High Energy Shielded door Systems are available in any size or configuration.
We customize to your requirements with door shielding thicknesses of 24” or more as required. Engineered to meet your shielding requirements.
Top mount or base driven automated opening systems providing the optimum in design and safety.
Additional important information
Shielding Information
Casting up to 200,000 lbs.
MarShield offers a variety of lead thickness. The lead thickness is determined by the intended application of the product and the determination of thickness is the responsibility of the purchaser. For hollow metal frames and doors the lead sheet is applied to the inside of the skin of the door on the “pull” side. The lead sheet is applied to the face, rabbet, stop, and part of the soffit on the door rebate side of the frame. If frames are to be installed in drywall partitions, then the manufacturer should install the stud anchors. Ensuring the continuity of the lead lining in the frame and the wall is the responsibility of the frame installer.
Our lead shielding is of a continuous sheet of lead as specified. It will meet applicable standards which are 99.94% pure lead (ASTM B-29 / Federal Spec. # QQ-L-201). The sheet lead will be unpierced, free of defects, laminations, scale blisters, cracks or penetration. The amount of shielding necessary in a door or frame should be equal to the shielding required in the wall in which it is to be installed in. The sheet lead shall be shaped to fit into the frame contour and inserted in the frame. All lead joints are welded together to insure continuity of shielding and to secure in place during transit and installation.
Hardware and shielding
Hardware selection can be the toughest decision on the success of your installation process. The final hinge system has to be appropriately specified to handle the heavy weights that the sheet lead imposes on the door. Door hardware is usually specified and supplied by others. Hardware selection should ensure lead lining in its components are equal to the door and frame assembly. Necessary precautions are needed in the field when installing the hardware to prevent penetration of existing lead shielding in door and frame.
Up to 4500 lbs net cast weight All materials must be thoroughly inspected upon receipt of goods. All discrepancies and/or damages shall be immediately noted and reported in writing to MarShield and on the freight bill of lading when received. It is then necessary to immediately notify the carrier’s head office of any damages. Please file any claims for freight damages with this carrier within 24 hours. MarShield will happily assist however possible, when requested. All materials received shall be properly stored on blocks or skids with adequate clearance from floor with a covering that will allow adequate circulation around product. Keep materials free from any contact of water, moisture, or dampness on a flat, dry level surface. The room should be properly ventilated to carry the dampness out of room. Also avoid any exposure to direct sunlight, extreme heat source, and humidity or excessive temperatures.
Up to 9000 lbs net cast weight
Do not start your installation in areas that still contain excessive moisture from wet plaster, or cement.
Ventilation systems should be operational and functioning correctly.
Allow doors to acclimatize to surroundings before actual installation.
During installation the frame should bet set plumb, square and level at the correct elevation. Ensure that the frame is adequately secured into the studded wall to properly support the door weight and size. Use a proper hinge system rated for door weight and size. MarShield recommends the use of pivot or continuous type hinges for all applications. When butt hinges are to be specified and used they must be fully rated for the weight and size of the lead lined door. A minimum of three hinges should be used for doors up to 90″ in height. For every extra 30″ of door height add one more hinge or portion thereof. Be sure to follow all manufacturers’ recommendations and guidelines for locations and quantities, when different to above. All fire labelled frames should be installed in accordance with local codes. Secure anchorages and connections to adjacent construction. Install door and frame hardware in accordance with hardware templates and manufacturers instructions. When supplied or specified install window lites into door, door silencers, and closures in accordance of industry standards and procedures. Consult with the site physicist to insure proper shielding is maintained at each opening.
8 Units, 3-Axis Capability cw Live Tooling
It is critical that the frame be installed by an experienced person who can ensure it to be plumb and square in the available opening that is provided. The frame must be securely fastened into place within the studded wall prior to the receiving of the drywall. The lead lined wall must then be built into the frame to effectively provide a shielding overlap for the lead in the face and throat of the frame.
When ordering a door and frame it is critical that all necessary information be supplied. MarShield cannot be held responsible for insufficient or missing information. It is up to the purchaser to ensure that all necessary information is provided at time of quoting.
When ordering frames for lead glass, please specify whether the width and height you provide are for the glass viewing area or the frame. E.g.: When specifying 12″ x 12″ the actual glass could be this size but not the viewing area. The frame can add a few inches all around and the glass sits inside of this frame. The 12″ x12″ can be taken as an inside frame size but is usually considered an outside frame size. A small sketch is usually the best clarification in ensuring there are no mistakes made.
Considerations and information required when ordering:
Door Size – Exact width and height
Door Swing – See swing selector page
Lead Shielding – Thickness or lead glass lead equivalency
Door Frame Type: Hollow Metal – welded or knock down type
Window Frame – Welded or Split- type
Door Type: Metal Face or Wood – Type of finish (veneer, birch, oak, plastic, laminate etc.)
Throat of Frame
Wall thickness and construction: Wood stud, metal stud, masonry
Type of Hardware required:
Door Closer
Hinges and number – pivot, butt, continuous
(Hinge capacity must be verified for compatibility with door weight)
Passage Set – Lock set or latch
Labeled? (Fire rating)
View Window (Size, type and location)
If ordering double doors specify which leaf is to receive astragal
Any options, locations or pertinent information relevant to the ordering
Brand, manufacturer preference
Note: It is necessary when supplying your own hardware to provide all the pertinent information on what you’re using so we can ensure our door and frame prepping match your hardware requirements.
The amount of lead required in doors, frames and windows must be determined by a licensed radiation shielding physicist.