Yearly Archives

  • Case Study: Tungsten Vial Shield with Auxilary Shield System

    Challenge The MarShield team has designed and is currently in the process of building a tungsten vial shield transport system for a Pelican Protector Case. This vial shield must meet transport and safety requirements as well as offer ease of operation in opening and closing. The vial shield design can be used to ship 10Ci […]

  • The Benefits of Our Mobile Rolling Barriers

    MarShield is a leading designer and manufacturer of standard and custom radiation shielding mobile barriers in North America. Our high-quality mobile barriers are made with durable, shatter-resistant lead glass or lead acrylic viewing panels for an “open concept” environment and transparency while simultaneously reducing harmful radiation. Our mobile rolling barriers come in multiple variations with […]

  • Tungsten Shielding Keeps Radiation Exposure to Minimum

    Several applications require shielding from radiation where lead is not a feasible material. Tungsten heavy alloy provides an alternative to lead that is strong and highly customizable into precision components. With an approximately 1.7 times greater density than lead, tungsten guarantees radiation exposure is kept to a minimum. Benefits Of Using Tungsten Tungsten’s higher density […]

  • OPG Announces New Mini Reactor In Darlington, Ontario

    Ontario Power Generation has recently announced the launch of a new mini reactor in Darlington, Ontario. This innovative new reactor is Canada’s first small modular reactor that will be funded in part by The Canada Infrastructure Bank. This project will be essential for reaching Canada’s greenhouse gas reduction goal and net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by […]