Case Studies

  • MarShield welcomes The Twins !

    Marshield is pleased to announce the recent arrival of the twins. Weighing in at 800lbs each these babies were custom designed and manufactured for a nuclear medicine application at a US pharmaceuticals company. These twin mobile storage boxes come with smooth running lockable casters and are 17x17x15” with 1” lead protection on the lid and […]

  • Look Out For These Hot Wheels !

    “Outstanding, but I’ve learned to expect that from MarShield !” is what Paul Smith at a government research center had to say about the custom lead lined storage container our manufacturing and design specialists produced for his nuclear material transportation project. Built specifically for a large US national laboratory, the container incorporates 2” of lead […]

  • Lead Lined Storage Box

    Check This Little Beauty Out !

    Our radiation shielding specialists recently designed and fabricated a custom Lead lined & Radiation Shielded Steel Storage Box with inside dimensions of only 6″x3″x3″ for a highly specialized US government application. The hinged locking lid is complete with carrying handles and all lead is fully encapsulated with no lead exposure. This little beauty is painted […]

  • Featured Projects

    November 2013 The below picture shows our lead shot bags being used as shielding in an optical tube at a Laboratory. Please visit our lead shot page on our website to find out more. Recently MarShield was asked to make an NEMA 12 enclosure that will become a lead lined electrical enclosure to provide radiation […]